Complete this form to give us a heads-up about your intended order. It alerts us to be on the lookout for your purchase, ensuring the free 5 Ft. Retail Rack comes with your qualifying order.

Ex. John

Ex. Doe

Ex. Fictional Corp

Ex. Sales Manager


Ex. (123) 456-7890

Ex. 2024-04-01 (Planning to purchase $750+ of VGS™ Cable/Connectivity products on April 1st, 2024). The date you select is just an estimate to help us prepare; you are not obligated to order on that exact date.

Note: Selecting specific VGS™ products or options here does not obligate you to those choices. This information simply helps us better understand your interests and how we can assist you with your qualifying purchase for the free retail rack promotion.

Ex. I need help ensuring my order qualifies for the free retail rack promotion. Can someone guide me through the selection process? Thank you!